FORUM honors three longstanding teammates who have retired in the past three months: Richard Jackson, Torrie Thompson, and Beverly Balke. Each employee had a celebratory paver ceremony in the FORUM... read more
Join us in honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by visiting some of our city’s beloved museums and learning about the work he did as a leader... read more
The following statement was issued by Indy Chamber President and CEO Michael Huber on the passing of former U.S. Senator Richard Lugar: “Servant leadership is the philosophy of putting others... read more
We want to to thank everyone who was able to join us for our annual State of the Region event at Newfields on Wednesday, April 24. During the Accelerate Indy... read more
Indy tech leader Ben Frame has been named as vice president of product for ClearObject, bringing 20 years of senior technical leadership designing, delivering and selling both infrastructure and cloud... read more
[Webinar] Who’s On First: Design or Content? Wednesday, Sept. 20
When developing a new website or redesigning an existing one, should you create your content first, then tackle design? Or design first, then write content? It’s a great question, and... read more